Message from Director

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Message from the Director

Dr. Mamatha P Raj is a distinguished Member, Advisory & Chairman of various Professional and Academic bodies.

It is my extreme pleasure and privilege to introduce BMS College of Architecture (BMSCA), one of the best Architectural Institutions in the country. I personally feel very honoured on being closely associated with BMS family for over three decades & foreseeing the growth of the Institution to better heights. BMSCA D&P with its well qualified faculty force and an established; yet ever-developing infrastructure aims to achieve the Institution goals of nurturing & imparting quality architectural education to bright young minds. A college as this, comes with a rich legacy of 40 years; based on wisdom, knowledge & experience as its strong foundation pillars.


I normally mark the beginning of a new academic year with reflections on our accomplishments during the past year and envisioning further growth during the upcoming years. The previous year has been another momentous one with our students reaching higher heights of excellence in academics and allround development, making their marks at various levels at National & International platforms; graduated students successfully getting a foothold in the Industry and becoming additions to our existing distinguished Alumni force. The college does not compromise on reinforcing the professional education with provision of a state of the art infrastructure; latest new editions of books & journals are added continuously to the existing rich collection in Library, advanced equipment are added to all Labs, best of furniture and other amenities are provided to students as a continued process. These facilities coupled with meaningful knowledge imparted by faculty, by invited experts from the profession, frequently organized events such as lectures, seminars, reviews, site visits, study tours or competition participations gives a strong theoretical & practical base for the education.

Every passing year is a great learning experience laden with new happenings in the field of Architecture, Education or Society in general. The past semester witnessed the critical impact of Covid-19 pandemic and addressing the critical aspects of continuing the education process was a challenge, but I feel glad to convey that it was successfully & efficiently handled by the Institution. The learning rigour never stopped, faculty and students adapted to the changing classrooms and systematically accomplished the semester learnings without compromise on quality or quantum. I sincerely owe this to our well-established system in place w.r.t infrastructure & expertise to handle the situation with ease & care equally. Wishing that the world overcomes this critical phase and life gets on to normalcy at the earliest. BMSCA assures that the student needs and aspirations are well taken care of always.

I thank the BMS Management greatly in encouraging our endeavours to keep progressing at all times; which has resulted in BMSCA being ranked amongst the top 15 Colleges of Architecture in the country as per NIRF survey by MHRD- GOI; as well in surveys by India Today & Outlook magazines during the past year.

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